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Country comfort at its best. Come as visitors, leave as friends

King Island Accommodation Guesthouse and Cottage

King Island short or long break accommodation. Business or escape

Comfortable old world country cosy styling

King Island Accommodation Guesthouse and Cottage
Discover King Island history, gasp at the King Island scenery. Explore pristine beaches or ancient King Island forests. Spot unique wildlife and birds. Meet the locals. On King Island you can golf, fish, horse ride, surf or tour.. and try the King Island food. Simply unwind. Don't wait..we are only 40 minutes away!
King Island Green Ponds Guesthouse and Cottage B&B is registered as a COVID-safe business and we ask that all visitors follow the recommended health guidelines. including regular handwashing and hygiene, maintaining 1.5m social distance with other guests and staff where possible and providing contact details when visiting King island. We have very flexible booking policies and will happily re-schedule your stay if you are unable to travel due to illness. Please respect our staff and local community by NOT TRAVELLING if you have come into contact with someone Covid-positive or have tested Covid-positive.
Visitors coming to Tasmania Coronavirus information link: